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Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System® (AEPS®)

The AEPS® is a comprehensive intervention and evaluation system for children from birth to six years old that allows ECE/ECD professionals to assess and monitor six key developmental areas: Fine Motor, Gross Motor, Cognitive, Adaptive, Social-communication, and Social. The AEPS® will assist in identifying educational targets tailored to each child’s needs, formulating developmentally appropriate goals, conducting before and after evaluations to measure the progress of interventions, and involving families in the entire process. Participants new to AEPS® will need to take further training before being able to use the tool fully. To ensure learning needs are met, the workshop is limited to a maximum of 25 participants. Participants are encouraged to bring their AEPS® manuals with them.

Time: Introduction or review 6 hours / full training 12 hours

PLEASE NOTE that workshop participants do not receive the AEPS® tool at the workshop; participants who decide (before or after taking the workshop) that they want to use the tool in their program must purchase the AEPS® from Brookes Publishing. To find out more about the AEPS®, go to this link:

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