The HIPPY program in Canada started in 1999 in Vancouver as a collaborative effort among Simon Fraser University, Britannia Community Services Centre and the National Council of Jewish Women. The program serves families from very diverse backgrounds in several sites. This report outlines the Aboriginal HIPPY program in BC and details an implementation plan to spread Aboriginal HIPPY across Canada as a national program.
Aboriginal Home Instruction Program for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (Aboriginal HIPPY): First Nations and Other Aboriginal Communities by Chief Dan George Centre for Advanced Education
"This manual shares important information about what Aboriginal people feel they need to support their families in raising happy, healthy children. While this manual will be most helpful to non-Aboriginal service providers, it may also be useful in the orientation of new Aboriginal service providers." (p. 5)
This parenting program was funded and created for the Aboriginal Head Start programs across Canada and was distributed to 140 urban centres by the Public Health Agency of Canada.