This short video, created by RCY, is aimed at helping practitioners and support workers, such as yourselves, with a visual aid that can be included in presentations, speaking engagements, newsletters, info sessions and social media.
Myles Himmelreich, who co-led the development of the report, shares his experience in the video as both a person with FASD and someone who works closely with children and youth with FASD.
Raising awareness around FASD as a disorder that can affect anyone from any culture, society or background is an important step in removing the shame and stigma faced by children with FASD and their families. Lack of awareness around FASD has harmful effects on the well-being of these children and their families, who have the same rights as all other children and families to the supports and services they need to thrive.
RCY shares its first video in support of the report Excluded: Increasing Understanding, Support and Inclusion for Children with FASD and their Families, as part of an ongoing knowledge mobilization strategy to help promote a better understanding of FASD
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